Helps To:
• Break down hard encrustation of waste
• Remove parasites and worms within the body
• Restore the peristaltic action of the colon
• Act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant for joints and the gastro-intestinal tract
• Lubricate the intestinal tract
• Relieve gas and pains in the bowels
• Improve the function of the stomach and liver
Concentrated Formula Contains:
- Marshmallow Root
- Butternut Bark
- Ginger Root
- Oregon Grape Root
- Cloves
- Cascara Sagrada
- Yellowdock Root
- Fennel Seeds
Suggested Use: 2 -3 capsule twice daily
2 capsules twice daily will last: 22 days
3 capsules twice daily will last: 15 days
Sizes Available: 90 Capsules
Shelf Life: 7 years